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Australian philosopher, literary critic, legal scholar, and professional writer. Based in Newcastle, NSW. My latest books are THE TYRANNY OF OPINION: CONFORMITY AND THE FUTURE OF LIBERALISM (2019); AT THE DAWN OF A GREAT TRANSITION: THE QUESTION OF RADICAL ENHANCEMENT (2021); and HOW WE BECAME POST-LIBERAL: THE RISE AND FALL OF TOLERATION (2024).

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Predict the opening weekend US box office for The Avengers!

While we're talking about The Avengers ... anyone want to predict the box office for its opening weekend in the US, which is coming up in, like, a couple of days? (Yes, all you Americans reading this will soon be able to see it and make up your own minds about it.)

I say US$172 million (which would set a new record!), based on its impressive takings in the non-US market so far and that it is more US-oriented than other big-opening movies in recent times, such as those in the Harry Potter series.

In a week's time, let's see how close that prediction turned out to be. Anyone think they can get closer than I can? There's no prize except bragging rights.


Mathew Varidel said...

I wasn't convinced it will beat Harry Potter until I did a bit of research but I'm still not entirely convinced. I'll go for 165 million.

Russell Blackford said...

Looks like no one else is going to stick their neck out. As per the earlier thread, I had considerable reservations about this movie - but I seem to be in a small minority. Judging by the hype it's received so far in the international markets, I expect it to break very big in the US. Yes, hard to imagine anything breaking the Harry Potter record so soon, but I'll stick to my guns and see what happens.

Jenna Haze said...

$450 million

Russell Blackford said...

Jenna, we're talking about the opening weekend, not the total US box office (which might even be higher than what your prediction).

Lance S. Bush said...

I'm going to go with US $140 million opening weekend.

Russell Blackford said...

I'm sticking to my guns. $172 million. :D

Russell Blackford said...

lol, looks like I won among this little group of competitors. :)