I'm speaking at this event on Friday night. It'll be my last gig in Melbourne on this particular trip ... and on a completely topic from the others.
So here it is! Tape Projects final 100 proofs art/science talk.
Two men talk minds and machines, science fiction and technological fact.
We have the pleasure of picking the expert brains of intelligent robotics specialist Ray Jarvis and science fiction writer, philosopher and critic Russell Blackford. Please join us in a discussion about technological factualities and their relationships with fictitious imaginings.
Ray Jarvis completed a BE (Elec.) and Ph.D.(Elec.) at the University of Western Australia in 1962 and 1968, respectively. After two years at Purdue University he returned to Australia and took up a Senior Lectureship at the Australian National University where he was instrumental in establishing the Dept. of Computer Science. In 1985 he took up a Chair in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering at Monash University and established the Intelligent Robotics Research Centre in 1987 and continues to be its Director. He is a Fellow of the IEEE (from 1992). His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Robotics. Between 2003 and 2007 he was the Director of the Australian Research Council Centre for Perceptive and Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments.
Russell Blackford is an Australian writer, philosopher, and literary critic. His qualifications include separate PhDs in English Literature (University of Newcastle) and Philosophy (Monash University). His books include Strange Constellations: A History of Australian Science Fiction (co-authored with Van Ikin and Sean McMullen, 1999); 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists (co-edited with Udo Schuklenk, 2009); and several novels, including three that make up the series Terminator 2: The New John Connor Chronicles (2002-2003). Russell was a member of the editorial collective of Australian Science Fiction Review (Second Series), and his articles, reviews, and short stories have appeared in many anthologies, magazines, academic journals, and other markets. He is a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and EmergingTechnologies, and Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Evolution and Technology.
As usual, light refreshments will be available, and all are welcome!
We look forward to seeing you there.
Love tapr.
100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe has been developed with the support of the Next Wave Kickstart program, for the 2010 Next Wave Festival, NO RISK TOO GREAT, 13-30 May 2010.
Tape Projects is also supported by a Moonee Valley City Council 2010 Cultural Grant.
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