Sunday, February 12, 2012

Polish edition of 50 Voices of Disbelief reviewed

Here. Unfortunately, I can't read Polish, but I'm told that it's a positive review and in Poland's largest non-tabloid newspaper. Any further information about this gratefully received.

H/T Mike Poznan


  1. The author of the article claims that the Catholic Church in Poland shouldn't be afraid of opportunistic anticlerical politicians who gained significant support in the recent elections, but the real threat to religion is in the expansion of calm, rational atheism. "50 voices..." is used as an example of this kind of atheism. The book is praised as "exciting" and a "must read". The article features several quotes from several contributors of "50 voices...", focusing mainly on the evidential argument from evil.

    The article ends with an interesting twist where it says that the atheist would be willing to accept the existence of god, but only if it was a cruel and demonic deity.

  2. Thanks for that,Mike. Can you tell us which essays are quoted?

  3. Nicholas Everitt, Peter Singer (and Marc Hauser), Stephen Law and one more author which I can't name because I lent my copy of the book to a friend.


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