Thursday, December 08, 2011

Review of 50 Voices of Disbelief in Theology, Ethics and Philosophy

This is a rather critical review of 50 Voices of Disbelief, by a Catholic theologian, but one that might help sell the book for all that.

It concludes:
Many well-known atheists teaching at major universities all over the world are included here: Nicholas Everitt, J.L. Schellenberg, J.J.C. Smart, Graham Oppy, Sean Carroll, Victor Stenger, Austin Dacey, Susan Blackmore, Peter Singer, and Michael Tooley all finally get to tell their stories to a much wider readership.

H/T Udo.


  1. In some cases, the people listed are not really getting to a wider readership than they usually do - I'm sure that Peter Singer's books sell a lot more copies than 50VoD will, for example. In a number of cases, though, it's doubtless true. We'll have larger sales than most specialised academic works.

  2. Seeing that list of academic atheists, I am wondering whether you invited Joseph Hoffman to contribute to 50VoD?

  3. I don't believe we did, because I don't believe he was someone who was on our radar at the time. Mea culpa, perhaps.


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