Friday, September 30, 2011

It's not Sunday yet, but...

... first person to tell me, correctly, why this variant cover image is so funny gets an electronic No Prize. (The filename I've given to the jpg image is a good clue for historians of popular culture).


  1. Ah, I thought it was familiar. It's an homage to Fantastic Four #1, yes?

  2. Dam Jim beat me to it. Yes that's right. I tried to post a link but the comment was blocked.

  3. What's funny about this is, quite obviously, that Cyclops appears to be blasting himself in the crotch.

  4. That's great. I'd never seen the Fantastic Four #1 cover before, but I've read enough Superdickery to pick it out as a call back to the Silver Age

  5. And also well done, JasonB.

    It's a very loving homage to the old FF # 1 cover, isn't it? Let's see if I can post a link:

    And I guess it's now just on 50 years since FF #1 was published (with a return date of November 1961 on its cover), which started the Marvel Silver Age and everything that entailed.


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