Friday, July 29, 2011

US trip in February-March 2012

I'll be travelling to the US east coast in late February and the first couple of weeks of March next year. The reason behind it is that I'll be speaking at the Council for Secular Humanism conference at the start of March. I'll also be taking the opportunity to have a bit of a holiday in New York City and Boston. Amongst it, I'll fit in some other gigs (including one at CFI headquarters in Amherst, NY).

At the moment I'm just juggling some of the details, but this is something that I'm very much looking forward to - just wish I could go for a bit longer. Alas, I'm not going to be able to fit in everything that I'd like to. E.g. it would have been nice to get to Washington, DC,which I haven't visited for well over two, going on three, decades.


  1. I'll be speaking at the Council for Secular Humanism conference at the start of March.

    So will I.

  2. I'll look forward to meeting you.

  3. February and March? What an odd time of year to forsake Australia for Washington, New York, and Boston!

    Too bad that conference doesn't take place in June or July....

  4. Yeah, I know. I guess it's a good time to be in Florida from American's point of view, though.

  5. Come to Boston!!!


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