Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunday supervillainy - a few days early - why doesn't Rogue suggest a threesome and be done with it?

This image, from a few months down the track does raise the obvious question. If Rogue is really having so much trouble deciding between her father figure and her toy boy ...


  1. ColinGavaghan19 May, 2011 15:59

    If you write it, I'll buy it. (NB you should probably seek independent legal advice re the possible intellectual property implications first)

  2. Sadly, I think my chances of doing it legally have passed me by.

  3. ColinGavaghan19 May, 2011 16:14

    Well, you could always suggest a book on the Philosophy of Supervillainy for that Wiley-Blackwell series...

  4. I am sure that there is a fan-fic.

  5. Don't joke, Colin. I've thought of that ... but it'd have to be a few books down the track, I think.

  6. Alex, this image is gonna encourage a whole new generation of Magneto/Rogue/Gambit double-slash fiction ... surely.

    Jenny and I had a talk about Magneto/Rogue some time back .. and she was horrified!! :)

    But she's a fan of the movie continuity, not the comics continuity, so she's thinking Ian McKellen and Anna Paquin. Which does see kinda bizarre. Ian McKellen does a wonderful job as Silver Age Magneto (I totally have a man crush on McKellen!!!); but modern-day comics Magneto has been put through a rejuvenation and is now more Michael Fassbender than Ian McKellen (well, he's somewhere in between). And even Anna Paquin has grown up a l'il. :D

  7. I wouldn't be all that surprised if something in that vein did happen, actually. Or if Rogue got with both men in quick succession, at any rate. The X-books have matured in their sexual content quite a bit in just the couple of decades I've been aware of them. Hell, not long ago there was an X-Force arc called 'Sex and Violence' - and not for symbolic reasons, either.

    And meanwhile, Gambit has his own kinda-creepy-but-charismatic-older-guy, younger-woman-in-need-of-father-figure thing going on with X-23....maybe he's trying to make Rogue jealous?

  8. It would certainly be a way of giving us the jaw-dropping ending we've been promised for X-Men Legacy #249. I can't imagine that that's what it is, though. lol

    (And the image used here is, like I said, for a few issues down the track.)


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