Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The dreaded alpacalypse

It seems that the end of the world last weekend has got lots of people searching for the word "alpacalypse" - judging by the number of folks who've recently found this post ... and yes, by searching on that word.

Is the word a popular meme right now, what with us having just had the Rapture and all? I assume that must be the case. I hate to think of the obvious alternative: that it's simply that a lot of people Out There on teh intertubez don't know how to spell "apocalypse".


  1. Well, I've just finished marking fifty-odd papers by second- and third -year students, in an arts course, at one of the much-lauded 'Sandstone Universities'.

    I'm sad to say, I suspect it may be the latter.

  2. What's wrong with alpacas?

  3. That explains the Alpacas I saw the other day. Who were those 4 riders I saw astride their diminutive steeds?

  4. Svlad Cjelli25 May, 2011 18:09

    Rollercaust. Armadillon?

  5. And then those who confused rapture and raptors - which has generated quite a bit of imagery and T-shirt punnery.

  6. Svlad Cjelli26 May, 2011 23:12

    Well, dinosaurs aside, Jesus would be a "raptor" to the letter. It's perfectly cromulent wordplay.

  7. Alpacas are so cute, and they offer protection to the young of another species with no complaint. An alpacalypse would surely be a good thing.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My guess is people searching for and misspelling the upcoming Weird Al album, "Alpocalypse".


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