Monday, May 30, 2011

Another strong review for X-Men: First Class

The good reviews keep coming, and here's another one - it seems that the critics love this movie. How far should I get my hopes up, I wonder. We'll see later this week; I'll get along to see it asap, and will definitely review it here.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be sure to read that review!

    ... after I've seen the movie. Right now I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up too high. The fact that Patrick/Ian wont be Charles/Erik has got my expectations down to reasonable levels I think. I just have to keep them down there so I can enjoy the film :P

    I completely understand why the film makers can't make use of Patrick/Ian to portray their characters, but I really quite enjoyed their performances. I'm a big fan of pretty near all the film work I've seen by them, and the little bits and pieces of stage stuff. I might understand why they can't be used, but that doesn't mean I won't miss them. I've heard lots of good things about the new guys, especially Fassbender, but still... :(


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