Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rob Bell does-anyone-go-to-Hell controversy

H/T to Marshall for drawing this controversy to my attention. Fascinating, those theological debates.


  1. I suppose we former Evangelicals are doomed to forever have a morbid interest these doctrinal squabbles (even if we now think they're the epistemic equivalent of arguing over whether the Death Star or a Borg cube would win a shoot-out). I've been following it via slacktivist (Fred being, I think, among the Christians you classify as Not One Of The Bad Guys). Larger questions of truth or falsity aside, to the extent that it represents an essentially more moral, psychologically healthier, and less likely to repress outsiders, kind of religion, I'll root for the Rob Bells of Christendom.

  2. A religion more nihilistic than Christianity! Not only is this life infinitely short by comparison to the afterlife, nothing you do during this life can influence how you spend the afterlife!



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