Monday, April 19, 2010

"Did thee feel the earth move?"

H/T to big sis for finding the article and to Elaine Miller for suggesting the title.

Sexy dressing leads to earthquakes. By posting this photo of Anna Kournikova, I could be dooming the entire eastern seaboard of Ausralia to disaster.


  1. Geez, thanks, Russell.

    Mind you, it might mean my genetics exam on Wednesday will be postponed....

  2. Should be "Didst thou" - thou is nominative, thee is accusative, and second person singular is inflected, like third person singular only more so. "Dost thou squinny at me, blind Cupid?" Lear.

  3. Yeah, but I was quoting Hemingway, and Hemingway gets it wrong. (At least that's how I remember it.)

  4. I wish you hadn't done that, Russell.

  5. Yeah, I had been intending to post that with God's notorious accuracy I'd be more worried out west, but as too often, He was quicker than me.

  6. Sorry about that, Greg. But as Tony says, God is a lousy shot.

  7. What the hell do women wear in Iceland ...?

  8. The human form is truly impressive. Despite the kludges inherent in our "design", I'm nearly brought to tears by the art found in the above photograph. Sublime...

    Indeed, this is truly dangerous for global tectonic stability. I worry for the entire globe. God may up and smite the world with another flood after this.

  9. JJE, shame on you: that's exactly the sort of thinking that leads to earthquakes.


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