Saturday, February 27, 2010

We have reviews

I see that the number of Amazon reviews for 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists has now risen to 11, with an average ranking of 4.5. Interesting to read these ...


  1. It must be a damn good book... for $72.00. I'll have to wait for it to hit the half price rack.

  2. I have been meaning to tell you that the book was a Valentine's Gift, and a great one. I am thoroughly enjoying the essays.

    (She Loves Me)

  3. MB: That's the hardback price. The paperback is about US$26 from Amazon IIRC.

  4. Mr. Blackford,

    Thank you for a personal reply. I'm honored.

    I see that the soft cover is less than the hard, but even that is a little tall for an old geezer living on paltry wages. 26 bucks is about the copay for one of my prescriptions.

    Reading is a joy for me. My library is rather large, containing several hundred, perhaps a couple thousand odd and various tomes, but none were purchased new or retail. The cost of a new book has outdistanced those of us of modest income. I speak not just of this book either.

    My curiosity is pricked, and I do want to read and add this book to my library, but regrettably it will have to wait until it hits the used or discount shelves.

  5. 12 now(your welcome :) ).
    I did want to give 4.5 stars but Amazon doesn't let me do that, deducted 1/2 a star for mostly beating up on poor old Yahweh.

  6. @D Shetty:

    Seeing you so clearly noticed my line, you should have done a service to mathematical accuracy and rounded up to compensate for my rounding down.

  7. @tony
    Yes I did read your review, unfortunately only after I had posted mine.

  8. Dr. Blackford, I have two reviews for you:

    1) 50 Voices of Disbelief -- Most Excellent.

    2) Your comment on Chris Mooney's blog:

    "I’m amused at all these people who want to defend this Judas selling out his integrity once and for all. Enjoy the money, Chris. I hope that the justified damage you’ll suffer is worth it.

    You disgusting traitor

    -- AWESOME!!!


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