Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gutsy performance from Dawkins

I've just finished reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins - a much more robust critique of religious faith than Daniel Dennett's mild-mannered Breaking the Spell, though both are must-read books and I'm glad I took some time out from other things this week to wolf them down.

I'll be reviewing the Dawkins book for Cosmos magazine, so I'll say nothing more about it here, except that it is one helluva gutsy performance. Dawkins says all the things that most critics of religion dare not say.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Blake - that was a great post by you over on the Skepchick blog (which I didn't know about).

    Yes, I was surprised by the extremely conciliatory tone Dennett adopted, but perhaps it was the appropriate one for his stated purpose of trying to cajole American religious believers to rethink their position. I enjoyed the book very much, but the Dawkins book had an exra frisson for me.


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