Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Book contract signed with Springer - Science Fiction and the Moral Imagination

ICYMI (and I probably haven't made enough fuss about this), back in November I signed a contract with Springer to write a book entitled Science Fiction and the Moral Imagination: Visions, Minds, Ethics.

The manuscript is due for delivery in late 2016, which implies a publication date some time in 2017. That's quite a long time to wait to see the book in print, but not such a long time for me to write it (while dealing with some other projects that are under negotiation). I'll be spending a lot more time than has recently been the case getting back to reading science fiction novels and stories, watching SF movies, etc. I'm sure writing the book will be hard work, as always, but the research should be fun.

Science Fiction and the Moral Imagination will be part of Springer's new Science and Fiction series.

Toes, meet water

So, quite a lot has been happening in my own life. Perhaps time to make some short posts about this, if only to catch up. I still don't expect to be returning to serious blogging (frequent long posts on serious topics, etc.) any time soon, but at least I might be able to catch up a bit.

Also, with a relevant book contract signed (I've revealed this before, but will blog separately about it), I hope to get back to reading/watching a lot more science fiction (and related popular culture) this year, so I might be getting back to writing more reviews and comments about SF/pop culture. I'm especially aware that this is going to be a big year for movies in that respect, with the new Avengers, Star Wars, Terminator, Jurassic Park, etc., movies scheduled.